How the Stages of the Criminal Process Can Ensure the Freedom of the Defendant
«La libertad nunca es dada; se gana.» – A. Philip Randolph Enfrentar un proceso penal puede ser una de las experiencias más desafiantes en la
We provide the best legal advice in family matters to clients: individuals and companies in Guatemala.
We provide the best legal advice to clients: individuals and companies in Guatemala.
In family matters we provide the following services:
Voluntary divorces:
It is done when both spouses agree to divorce so that the marital bond between them will cease.
Ordinary divorces:
It is processed before a Family Court when only one of the spouses wishes to divorce his partner, but this desire to divorce must always be based on one of the causes established in article 155 of the Guatemalan Civil Code.
Separation is the situation in which married people find themselves, when they break off their matrimonial cohabitation, because circumstances have occurred between them that prevent them from maintaining it. That separation can be simply in fact, produced by the mutual agreement between the spouses, or by the abandonment that one of them does of the conjugal home. But this situation can also be reached by judicial resolution when the judge declares the existence of a cause of divorce, nevertheless, it is to mention that the separation is not the same as the divorce.
Fixing of alimony:
According to Article 278 of the Guatemalan Civil Code, the denomination of food includes everything that is indispensable for the sustenance, housing, clothing, medical assistance and also the education and instruction of the foodie when he is a minor. Likewise, spouses, ascendants, descendants and siblings are obligated to provide maintenance to each other. We advise you legally to request the fixation of alimony when the male spouse does not provide any amount of money in concept of maintenance, either in favor of his minor children or of his spouse or when the amount he provides is insufficient and the male spouse refuses to provide any greater amount having the economic possibilities to do so.
Extinction of alimony:
In SERNICE we give legal advice to request in the judicial process the extinction of alimony whenever any of the following circumstances occur: For the death of the alimonyman, When the one who provides it is unable to continue providing it, or when the need of the one who received it ends, In the case of injury, fault or serious damage inferred by the alimonyman, against the one who must provide it, When the need for the alimony depends on the vicious conduct or lack of application to the work of the alimonyman, while these causes subsist, and If the minor children marry without the consent of the parents. When the descendants have reached eighteen years of age, unless they are habitually ill, disabled or in a state of interdiction; When their subsistence has been assured until the same age.
Increase of alimony:
If there is already a set amount of money for alimony, but you consider that this amount is insufficient to meet the needs of the alimony provider, we will give you legal advice to increase the set amount of alimony and raise it according to the economic capacities of the alimony provider.
Reduction of alimony:
If you already have a fixed amount of alimony, but consider that this amount is too high to jeopardize your financial stability and security, we will give you legal advice to reduce the fixed amount of alimony and to lower it according to your financial capabilities.
Family relationships: In SERNICE we advise you in those cases in which you are not allowed to interact with your children due to the arbitrary decision of one of the spouses.
Paternity and filiation: the relationship of filiation is based on two essential elements or presuppositions: motherhood and fatherhood, since by simple logic every being must have a biological father and mother. This is how filiation becomes a legal institution that seeks to protect the relationship resulting from that procreation, reinforcing the family structure and obliging the fulfillment of paternal-filial duties, especially those who seek to forget it. For this reason, SERNICE of Guatemala provides legal advice so that the spouse who intends to forget such relationship, is forced to legally recognize it.
Executive trials in the way of urgency: In SERNICE of Guatemala we advise you when in spite of a fixed amount of money as alimony the obligated spouse (usually the father) does not comply with providing the fixed amount of money.
We advise and provide complete support to solve and navigate your family problems. Contact us to provide you with a personalized strategy for your current needs.
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In SERNICE we work with all types of clients from entrepreneurs, small and medium enterprises, nationally renowned companies and individuals. Regardless of their size or location, in SERNICE we work hard to provide the best attention and personalized service to all of our customers, being their satisfaction our number one goal. Contact us to analyze your specific situation and provide you with a personalized strategy by clicking here →
Yes! We have worked and served more than 100 individuals, providing our personalized legal advice and accompaniment at every stage of the process. Contact us by clicking here →, it will be a pleasure for us to serve you.
We have two physical offices located in San Marcos and Concepción Tutuapa:
No. Although we have offices located in San Marcos, we work with clients from all over the Republic of Guatemala as well as with international clients through a combination of virtual and face-to-face accompaniment that is 100% personalized, guaranteeing satisfaction and results for our clients. For individual clients or companies outside of San Marcos and Quetzaltenango we offer a legal outsourcing service to solve cases and act as a 'strategic ally' in the area. Contact us for more information by clicking here →
We offer a service of accompaniment and legal advice of quality and prestige to international companies, companies located in San Marcos, Quetzaltenango and the rest of the Republic of Guatemala. Particularly to companies located in other departments of the country, we offer legal outsourcing services to solve cases and act as a 'strategic ally' in the departments of San Marcos and Quetzaltenango. Contact us without obligation to offer you a 100 percent customized solution according to your company's needs by clicking here →
We offer both virtual and face-to-face consultations, adjusting to your preference and time availability, maintaining the quality and personalization of our legal advice and support regardless of the medium you choose. Our virtual consultations are carried out through video calls via Zoom, Google Meet or similar platforms. Contact us and schedule your consultation by clicking here →, we are here to serve you!
We can assist you and provide you with our complete legal support and advice in the languages 'Spanish', 'English' and 'Mam'. Contact us now by clicking here →, it will be a pleasure to serve you.
If you have any doubts or additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us →
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Contact us and schedule your consultation today. We are here to serve you!
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