How the Stages of the Criminal Process Can Ensure the Freedom of the Defendant
«La libertad nunca es dada; se gana.» – A. Philip Randolph Enfrentar un proceso penal puede ser una de las experiencias más desafiantes en la
We provide the best legal advice in criminal matters to clients: individuals and companies in Guatemala.
We provide the best legal advice to clients: individuals and companies in Guatemala.
A legal process is a set of procedures composed of five different stages in which there are two types of people:
Those who commit the crime are known as the accused or syndicated
The people who suffer the consequence of a criminal behavior called victims; who are the subjects of the proceedings.
Both parties go through a series of criminal proceedings consisting of 5 stages:
<Until a judge passes a sentence of conviction or acquittal.
We provide accompaniment in each of the different stages of the criminal process, from the beginning to the delivery of a sentence, exhausting all procedural stages to challenges, including constitutional actions of protection, and petitions to organs of the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights, such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
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They are introductory acts of a criminal process through which the public prosecutor's office or sentencing court is made aware of a fact that constitutes a crime, which must be investigated, in order to obtain a conviction or some other legal solution. Such acts may be drafted by attorneys or presented by the victim before public entities, such as the Public Prosecutor's Office, and jurisdictional bodies such as the Peace Courts, or Sentencing Tribunals.
These are oral hearings that serve to agree on a criminal proceeding between the victim and the defendant either in the preparatory or investigative stage, as long as the crimes allow for it. Not all crimes can be reconciled. And it is possible to practice as a defense attorney for the union or an assistant attorney for the victim.
The technical defense of the union or assistance to the victim is exercised. They are oral hearings in which it is discussed, by the procedural parties (PROSECUTOR OF THE PUBLIC MINISTRY, LAWYER (A) DEFENDER (A) WANTED ADHESIVE OR VICTIM, through his assistant lawyers, in the presence of the JUDGE OF FIRST INSTANCE, whether there is serious basis or not, to open to trial or not a fact qualified as a crime charged to a person suspected of having committed a crime regulated in the Guatemalan criminal laws.
The technical defense of the accused or assistance to the victim is exercised, offering the evidence that one has to sustain his accusatory or defensive thesis, to achieve a condemnatory or acquittal sentence.
The technical defense of the defendant or assistance to the victim is exercised. These are oral hearings in which the contradictory of a criminal process is carried out before the CRIMINAL COURT, NARCOACTIVITY AND CRIMES AGAINST THE ENVIRONMENT. Hearing in which the evidence against the accused of a crime or crimes is produced, in which a conviction or acquittal will be obtained
They are means of challenge regulated in the criminal procedure law, especially in the criminal procedure code and special criminal laws, through which it is challenged for not agreeing with the resolution issued by a judge.
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En SERNICE trabajamos con todo tipo de clientes desde emprendimientos, pequeñas y medianas empresas, empresas de renombre nacional y personas individuales.
Sin importar el tamaño o ubicación de los mismos, en SERNICE trabajamos arduamente para brindar la mejor atención y servicio personalizado a todos nuestros clientes, siendo su satisfacción nuestra meta número uno. Contáctenos para analizar su situación específica y brindarle una estrategia personalizada haciendo click hereYes! We have worked and served more than 100 individuals, providing our personalized legal advice and accompaniment at every stage of the process. Contact us by clicking here →, it will be a pleasure for us to serve you.
We have two physical offices located in San Marcos and Concepción Tutuapa:
No. Although we have offices located in San Marcos, we work with clients from all over the Republic of Guatemala as well as with international clients through a combination of virtual and face-to-face accompaniment that is 100% personalized, guaranteeing satisfaction and results for our clients. For individual clients or companies outside of San Marcos and Quetzaltenango we offer a legal outsourcing service to solve cases and act as a 'strategic ally' in the area. Contact us for more information by clicking here →
We offer a service of accompaniment and legal advice of quality and prestige to international companies, companies located in San Marcos, Quetzaltenango and the rest of the Republic of Guatemala. Particularly to companies located in other departments of the country, we offer legal outsourcing services to solve cases and act as a 'strategic ally' in the departments of San Marcos and Quetzaltenango. Contact us without obligation to offer you a 100 percent customized solution according to your company's needs by clicking here →
We offer both virtual and face-to-face consultations, adjusting to your preference and time availability, maintaining the quality and personalization of our legal advice and support regardless of the medium you choose. Our virtual consultations are carried out through video calls via Zoom, Google Meet or similar platforms. Contact us and schedule your consultation by clicking here →, we are here to serve you!
We can assist you and provide you with our complete legal support and advice in the languages 'Spanish', 'English' and 'Mam'. Contact us now by clicking here →, it will be a pleasure to serve you.
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«La libertad nunca es dada; se gana.» – A. Philip Randolph Enfrentar un proceso penal puede ser una de las experiencias más desafiantes en la
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